Let's review the evidence, shall we? Blonde, young, vivacious AND she's willing to consciously sleep with Sean "Queens Blvd." Hillinger! If this chick (I think her name is Erica) is not the mole, then we have been greatly letdown by the peeps running "24." Barring any revelations to the contrary, who else do you think should be the FBI mole? Here are some alternatives I deem slightly acceptable:

1) The uneaten ham sandwich on Janis Gold's desk: Assuming by her name that Janis is a non-practicing Jew, a ham and cheese sandwich is muy trafe! This non-kosher intruder is my kind of villain. Verdict: So... delicious... and evil.

2) The suspicious squirrel that lives outside of the J. Edgar Hoover building. Yeah, I got my eye on you, ya lousy rat. Verdict: Under the right stewing conditions... also delicious!

3) Speaking of Hoover, how about the ghost of good 'ol J. Edgar? Keep a lookout for his portrait on the walls of FBI headquarters. If his lazy eyeball starts to move, you know we've found our mole (cue Scooby Doo music). Verdict: Not so delicious.
In Janis' defense, her bagel & lox was stolen by Larry. And you wonder why he's so disliked at the FBI office: it's that fishy breath of his...
Woah...simultaneous squirrel posts...freaky.
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