This is complete speculation, but here it is: Olivia Taylor called her friend, Martin Collier, to help arrange a hit on Jonas Hodges. They discussed the idea of killing Hodges about 15 minutes into the episode. About a half-hour later, Hodges is killed by a car bomb at FBI HQ. We are supposed to think that Olivia's
hitman did the job, despite the fact that 1) she never
transferred the funds and 2) she called Martin beforehand and recanted the contract! I know it's "24" but... it's "24" which means something sinister is in the works. Someone else was tipped off to Hodges' status (the cabal... or maybe someone who just hated what Hodges did to this country). The car bomb was set via advance
intel. So, that means there must be one last mole in the mix.
That mole can either be at FBI HQ or in the White House- take your pick. I ask you all to speculate who the last traitor will be.
Subtopic: Does the mole know of Olivia's attempt to hire the
hitman? And if so, will he/she try to reveal Olivia's abandoned plans (and embarrass the President at the same time)?
Sub-subtopic: Aaron Pierce has been around a lot lately. Perish the tought, I know. But still...
Didn't it seem a bit odd that Janis, of all people, brought the wheelchair to Hodges? I mean, why did she have to do it?
Just sayin'...
(FYI - season long lurker, but wanted to put in my 2 cents)
Go immediately and wash your typing fingers out with soap! How dare they speculate on Aaron Pierce as a traitor!! (Of course that was the first name that popped into my head with your inquiry -- shame on me too!) Meanwhile, let it be Janis and let her meet a tortured death in Hell's hottest inferno. Bitch in both her lives.
@BigEasy- thanks for your comment and welcome to my blog.
Yeah, it may be that the writers wanted to give Janis Gold another scene- she's been running errands for Renee all season-long. But if she's the mole, wow that's gonna make for a major showdown w. Chloe.
@Annie- The writers want us to suspect something is up with Pierce, that's for sure. But why would he help kill Hodges? Certainly not for money. Maybe something having to do with Charles Logan? Who knows! But I doubt he's involved.
My vote is for Janis. She's been so weird lately.
Do you think Aaron is getting suspicious, that Olivia talked about killing Jonas Hodges in front of him?
I'm swaying towards Janis being the mole.
They wouldn't do that to Aaron, would they? That would just add insult to injury after what they made Tony do...
I don't care who the mole is, I'm still laughing at the mole picture. So ridiculously funny...
No way it's Janis, but I wish it were.
I'm hoping the mole isn't Janis. It probably is, but I hope not. Because if it's Janis, then she gets more screen time. And if she gets a lot of screen time, then I just might throw up all over my new HDTV.
Tim. I said it earlier in the season so I'll stick with it. (I also said Larry earlier in the season, so don't pay too much attention to my predictions.)
Can we not just rewind back to THAT twist, and make it NOT happen?
Definitely not Aaron. He has been around long enough that his character is well established, and I am sure that he would be no one's hired gun (if so, surely he would have taken out Charles L.?)
In fact, I expect him to give Olivia a speech about how Prez Logan was a scumbag but when Martha stabbed him it was Just Not Right, etc, etc.
So I guess I have to vote for Tim. I can't think of anyone else who is likely.
This topic's so funny.
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