The Ruskie Corleone Family dominated the start of tonight's episode and it made for some fun spy movie shenanigans. There was talk of angels, honor, blood, battlefields, nukes and sliced bread. The only thing missing was a scene where they sit in a sauna and run into an ice-frozen lake, drinking "wodka" and riding polar bears. Okay, maybe that wouldn't have fit, but you would be talking about it to your friends tomorrow!
Meanwhile, Dana Walsh and her Dumb and Dumber crew get into some silly trouble, pulling jokes on each other and on a poor cop who happens upon this criminally genius enterprise. Here's an analogy: The Dana Walsh subplot is to my intelligence what the baseball bat was to the cop's head.

And then the whole episode goes nuts- it all happened within the span of ten seconds, but I believe 40 people ended up dead and it started when Renee pulled out a knife and went to work on Vlad. But the knife moved around the room a few times and Renee accidentally stabbed Jack (which actually made me yell out "whoops-a-daisy!"). I think the highlight of the melee was Jack pulling the knife out of his gut and throwing it into the throat of a menacing Russian. Wow. This is what happens when you make Jack dress up like Drew Carey-- he gets really pissed off!
The funniest part of all of this was seeing Hastings try and comprehend Jack's quick update. Hastings is speaking for the viewer when he says "But she just had SEX with the guy!" You see, Hastings believes sex means love. That's very old-fashioned of you, slouchy!
But before you can say "How touching" when Jack consoles a weepy Renee, more Ruskies show up and Jack resumes his cover and goes along with his new comrades to hopefully find those nuclear rods. This time he leaves the glasses behind. Crazy.
We got some gory, chaotic action-- so I chalk this episode up as a winner. But am I the only one in thinking this is turning into a Coen Bros. movie? "The Big Bauerowski," anyone? Hmmm...
Where was Bennie Hinn hiding? Cause Jack is a miracle healer. Looks like the episodes are heating up, and it is about time. Renee is back to being weepy, and Jack is gonna kick some Ruskie butt next week, I can feel it.
Now to see Dana/Jenny get caught. That would be plot development.
Big E
Big E! Good to see you 'round these parts.
Yep, you're right, Next week's episode looks to keep things going- Jack is in full Action-Bauer mode. he used his lower intestines as a knife holder for crying out loud! Professional!
Renee was just handing Jack the knife in a unconventional manner. I think he got the point.
Oh Hatch... hehehehe, that cracked me up.
Holy balls, this is more like it. Even the JEN-NAY crap was tolerable because we got a bludgeoning as a payoff, and nothing puts me in a forgiving mood quite like going caveman on the third shift.
At this point, the season feels like the producers and writers were pulling a prank on us for the first few hours and now they're like, "Nah, we were just fuckin' with ya. Here's your regularly scheduled 24."
I, for one, don't have to worry a lot about 24 picking up, because we've got your hilarious reviews to look forward to the next day. I did hope the surprise stabbing of Jack would be the start of livening things up a bit. And I can always go to mute or another channel when Dana, Dumb and Dumber are on.
Does anyone else get the impression that the surviving Russian mob son isnt gonna make past next episode?
"Go help bury the dead bodyr". Yah. Didnt we see that in season whatever with Ahmed?
Dana Walsh plotline looks like it will pick up next week. Jack looks like he's gonna be in the thick of the action, and Renee is back in a Federal bldg commenting. All is well.
@Pelty: Yep, violence justifies a plotline- always.
@Annie: I'm glad you've perked up on 24- I need you to stay int he loop w/ me on this show. I'm in as long as you are, deal?
@Anon: I agree about the surviving mob son (maybe we call could him "Mikhail Corleonovich?"). My guess is he's gonna somehow factor into Jack escaping from this new band of menacing Ruskies. Either way, Mikhail's priorities no longer align with his vampire father's.
Holy crap, you guys are a fun crew. What an amusing commentary! Seriously, life-brightening stuff.
Well, it's like my Nana always says: When life gives you Season 8, make Season 8-aide.
Pelty, that's a classic! Hilarious.
Great review mate, I'm glad i wasn't the only one to scream out voluntarily! My recap has a very similar theme to yours!
Keep up the good work. Although being from the UK i'll have to ensure i stay one post behind to avoid spoilers!
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