Wednesday, April 08, 2009

24 Affiliates: What I'm Reading When I'm Not Writing

Hey everyone,

I wanted to take a break from my usual blogging to refresh you on what I'm reading that's 24-related. Here are some key blogs that I hope you are checking out too- and if you're not, then here's your link-launchpad.

1) TV Tyrant: Amy is the Queen of TV. She watches shows I hardly even know of, and she writes about them too! She's a great resource on all things entertainment-related, with her quick-wit and gleefully sarcastic sense of humor. Please check out her site- it's a fantastic read.

2) Tony Almeida Junkie Blog: Tony Junkie is a daily visit- sometimes multiple times. The site is updated very regularly, and is always giving us the latest news, videos and spoilers (if you can handle that sort of thing). Go there and get hooked.

3) The Covert Diaries of Jackster: Jackster is conducting interviews with James Morrison (Buchanan), Jayne Atkinson (Karen Hayes) and (drumroll) Xander Berkeley (George "The Man" Mason) and he's accepting questions from readers to pass along to these actors. Go there and post in the comments section of his blog!

4) Almeida Is God [dot] com: Kasia, Kat & Co. do it right in their fundamentalist (or "Almeidaist") mission to spread the Gospel of Tony. Their weekly video recaps are insightful and very watchable (read "eye candy," guys). And they have so much information going on that you can literally spend hours reading-- AND the site's design is just crazy-cool!

5) 24 Online: Nat is THE resource for all of your 24 needs. I visit her site multiple times a day- stealing her images and using them for my own diabolical Photoshopping purposes. It's like taking candy from a baby!

6) Magic Lamp: This is just good writing by Steve. If you love TV, you gotta give his site a daily read. And his 24 recaps are snarky rants of brilliance.

7) Jack Bauer Torture Report: This is another place for my weekly recaps addiction. They have a very concise and funny rundown of each episode. If I had to guess, I'd say there's a large amount of coffee that goes into that blog.

8) Blogs.4Bauer: Are you reading their live blogs every week? No? You're missing out on the birthplace of character nicknames, inside jokes and the most quick-witted coming-together of 24 fans on the Internet. Amy and I are among the team, and a lot people who comment here are fans of B4B too. So, testify!

I would also like to mention Alltop, the ridiculously useful internet resource that you should all be using. Alltop is a self-described "online magazine rack"- collecting worthwhile blogs and news from all over the web. They have resources on every topic imaginable. And if you blog on a topic that they don't cover, let them know about it and they may invite you to join (disclosure: I'm a new member myself!).


Amy Vernon said...

I can attest to the awesomeness of these 24-related blogs. Especially Nos. 1&8. ;-)

nat said...

Aww... i don't know what to say! Thank you SO much. There's very few 24 sites i visit on a daily basis, but yours is definately one of them & your posts always brighten my mood! :)

Rickey said...

Rickey remembers #6 from an old Carnival of Bauer (whatever happened to those?). Good to see the dude's still doing his thing.

#7 is great stuff too. Rickey digs the snarky little comments/recaps.

TheJackSack said...

@Rickey: The Carnival of Bauer is active- taking place at on a weekly basis. Most of us affiliate sites have been much too lazy to host it lately (ahem-Amy). But I am among the lazy folks, I suppose...

@Amy: Agreed!

@Nat: Thank you, my friend.

Kasia said...

I'm "eye candy"? Awwww ...

J_A (AIG) said...

It's great to see such a nice shoutout to AIG, thanks from me, too! I'll check out more of your site soon, right after laundry and the cleaning... lol.

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