Now that I know how to use iMovie, this place just got a lot more dangerous!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Jack Bauer Political Ad
If you're not into the whole politics thing, here's a little update: there's a race going on for president this year. And it's a close one too. To help make her case for being the "experienced" candidate, Hillary Clinton has gone and made a "red phone" political ad. But really, if this is how we are supposed to choose our presidents, shouldn't the most qualified person be making that case? Sen. Obama? Sen. McCain? No, you know who...
Hillary Clinton,
In The News,
Jack Bauer,
Video by Adam
Jesus, you've figured out imovie? That's like cavemen stumbling upon greek fire! (Rickey kids, Rickey kids...)
Dangerous, I know!
Now all I need is a little inspiration...
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