Production for Season 7 of "24" will begin again next month. Hopefully by that time we will get some news on the show. Several days ago we learned that Fox was going to throw us a rather substantial Bauer bone (yeah, bad metaphor) in the form of a 2-hour television movie.
But was that news premature? The folks at the 24 "HQ" blog state that the Hollywood Reporter ran the story before a final deal was done. I'm unclear as to their sources, but if they have inside intel on this, they're not elaborating.
I'm not particularly worried about the movie not happening because there was no denial from FOX or the production team regarding the story. Again, like the headline states: nothing is new!
I'l be putting together something a little more creative hopefully tonight.
Adam you're a good man. As soon as you catch a bauer bone you keep us informed...
Seriously though, I want to know whats going on and I rely solely on your blog.
Thanks, Gregg. I'm in the weeds, sifting through the trashcans of highly-placed L.A. types and I'm looking through their bank statements night and day.
As soon as news happens, I'm bringing it to you guys. Thank you for sticking with me through the 24-drought.
Why is Rickey nervous that this two hour movie is merely the first two episodes that are in the can?
Because Rickey is paranoid and distrusts whitey!
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