Ladies and Gents, "24" is stalled on the runway.
Day 7 was supposed to start filming last month. Then someone at Fox said "Wait a minute, this idea costs too much!" So, the production was halted to re-write the new season's premise and introductory episodes. Now, more delays are hitting "24." In an effort to get more scripts finished before filming starts, production will not commence until September. Nervous? I am!
This is very very not good. And if they resort to making season 7 up on the fly, they're screwed...
Then again, Jack works well under pressure.
*fingers crossed*
It's a good thing that the 24 writers don't work at CTU!
11/8/07, 10:20 AM: Press release just read on FOX NEWS said something about Jack may not come back. I was not in Tivo mode so I cannor replay the segment. I did a web search. Nothing.
Talk about bad news! I am freaking out!!!
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