Already, it has been a couple of weeks. So, how are you doing so far? For me, it's been pretty rough. In one sense, I've realized all the things I've ignored for the past several months. I totally forgot to pay my taxes! Apparently I got married AND divorced all within a 5-month period during Season 6 as well. And boy, do I need to clean out my fridge!
It's funny how 24 becomes such an important part of our lives. I guess other people feel the same way about different television shows (Lost, Dancing With The Stars, Clifford The Big Red Dog) but none of those shows approach the heights of greatness achieved by the "real-time" format of 24. We are spending an entire day with Bauer and Co. as they save the nation from certain doom. That's like having a second job in my book. And for some of us, that's like having a first job too.
And the hardest part about this is knowing that it will take several months to get our show back. I'm trying to distract myself as best as I can-- I have researched every flat-panel television on the market for a possible purchase. Conversely, I am selling off a large chunk of my personal belongings in an effort to cleanse my consumerist soul. I have taken up bird-watching. I'm learning to whistle. And I am drinking booze like a fish.
If you feel lost without 24 like I do, know that you're not alone. I do my "Dammit!" yelling exercises every morning on my drive to work. I grumble "I don't have time for this" and I whisper "Copy that" to unwitting co-workers as well. I'm also keeping this blog active, with CTU Denver and other original content. So, let's do this together. Let's beat the malaise of these next few months.
My name is The Jack Sack, I'm a 24 blogger, I give you my word I will get us through this. (Sigh) Where's my scotch?
I feel your pain brother. Every time I watch another show my wife has to listen to me exclaim "Bauer wouldn't put up w/ that $#!@" or if its a criminal law show "Bauer wouldn't interrogate a suspect w/ this touchy feely crap, cut off a freakin testicle for crying out loud!!!!" Keep up the good work - We all need to stay in touch with our inner Bauer....
Hi, I'm 2266. I'm a 24 addict too.
The difference with me is that I have found different 24-related ways to entertain myself during the hiatus.
Besides this wonderful blog, there are the declassified books (give them a try, they're not bad!), the "day zero" webisodes, the "CTU rookie" webisodes, the season 6 debriefing installments every Monday... and there's always the previous seasons on DVD!
Sigh. Those where the good old days. When Jack Bauer wasn't guest starring on his own show...
Sigh. Those where the good old days. When Jack Bauer wasn't guest starring on his own show...
2266, you have a wonderful way of getting right to the point! I love it.
Monday nights for me have become a bleak universe of tattered memories and painful symptoms of withdrawal.
For now, I comfort myself with the fact that season 6 will be released on DVD and I can watch it all over again...the drama, angst, drunk Irishman, the inscrutable writing...
Can't wait!
Hey g, have you watched THE UNIT at all? I get the same "WTF?!" moments you describe when I see that show.
And Sally, aren't you glad we've got this support group then? Anytime y'all feel like weeping, let loose. I'm a modern man, I can cry too! But mostly when I sit on my balls. (An old joke, sorry).
Adam - I haven't gotten into "the Unit" yet, for some reason I have a hard time seeing Palmer relegated to All-State and a poor-man's 24 on CBS.... A secretary at work tells me its worth watching so we'll see. Summer is a tough time all around for TV - Last Comic Standing is good but besides that there is a real dearth of quality entertainment. I love the site - keep up the movie reviews, Denver and other humorous spots.
I'm totally feeling withdrawl this year in a way I haven't in the past. I think it's because I joined this wonderful online 24 community of nutsy-cuckoo (mostly boy) bloggers. I had a blast this season hosting the Carnival, sharing commentary, swapping rumors, etc.
I haven't watched The Unit, much for the same reason as "g" mentioned. Plus, I don't really want to see anyone but Jack Bauer going all Jack Bauer on someone.
But coming up this summer are some of my sci-fi favorites, including The 4400, Dr. Who, Eureka and Kyle XY. While none is even remotely similar to "24," they help me get through the day by providing quality entertainment.
And the February premiere of 24 at least makes the dog days of winter that much more bearable.
Yes, this is SOME support group--complete with inside guy jokes. LOL
Haven't heard of The Unit..mostly I'm watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer (and soon, Angel). I've decided that Buffy is the female equivalent of Jack.
Hey, what a great idea for a new romantic tragi-comedy spinoff. Jack and Buffy together at last...
If you ain't blogging yet, get on it!
I used to have a fairly political blog. That and movies.
Lost it--meaning I can't find it anymore. Not kidding.
*walking slowly to podium, shuffling feet nervously* HI. My name is glockspeak and I'm an alco...err, a 24 addict...I've tried to stay away from Bauer, I have but I...I keep waking up Monday mornings and having that initial rush of "Bauer" only to come to the sudden harsh reality of seasonal TV. *DAMMIT!* sorry, sorry...I've tried other shows, you know, break the chain, move on but I just keep going back...back to Jack...I even saw President Palmer on another show! He's pretending to be a military man. *lip quivers* I'm so glad he's alive! I am hoping there are days beyond staring at my blank TV screen, my family is growing tired of me randomly shouting out "That's not how Jack would do it!"...hopefully, here, in the comfort of this little space, surrounded by those who share my pain, these next five months will fly by. Peace out.
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