Friday, June 22, 2007
Madame President? Day 7 News!
Word around the insane asylum is that the producers of 24 have lined up a female to be the next president for Day 7. Can you say Madame President Martha Logan? Heh.

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Hey! I resemble that characterization!
Hail to the crazy crazy chief.... (not you Amy, Martha Logan).
Jean Smart is hot.
Ya sounds great - wait, ummm, didn't she like plunge a letter opener into the chest of an ex-president? I've heard the electorate frowns on that sort of thing.... Of course it was Charles Logan on the receiving end - maybe that will get the swing vote to go her way....
that is a lovely picture of Jean. I loved the scene where she's getting ready for Charles press talk and she dips her face in the water "I look like a wedding cake" LOL Hmmm, a woman president. who would be good in that role? it would have to be somebody awesome like susan saradon or sigourey weaver. stockard channing. a strong female anyway. (i can dream, right?) although I really liked the actress who played Erin Driscoll and I don't recall ever seeing her before. Hmmm, who else.....
Anyone but Gina Davis!
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