TV Guide
reports that a proposed story involving Africa for Day 7 has been 86'ed by the FOX network (producers of such great hits as "Man v. Beast" and "So You Think You Can (fill in the blank)?") for being too costly. This is troubling to me, as I had long hoped Jack Bauer would exact revenge against one of his daughter's greatest attackers-- that's right, the cougar. Imagine 24 hours of Jack hunting down these jackals of the Serengeti with nothing but a PDA and a canvas man-bag. They could even squeeze in a scene where Bauer kills John Mellencamp, "accidentally" mistaking him for a cougar.
Sorry, FOX, but you dropped the ball on this one. The show's production is now delayed for at least three weeks. Does it trouble you all that the writers have three weeks to decide on the whole storyline for Day 7?
Ah Ah! Cougar! ;)
I saw this story and was dismayed. It sounds like they writers are scrambling--like they did for the second half of season 6. But I disagree about the wet firecracker comment. We've been so spoiled by 24 that we throw tantrums when the show doesn't go perfectly.
Bring back the cougar AND Tony and the show will rock!
Sally (who is rewatching her fav season 3)
Rickey would prefer no 24 at all to another rush job of a season with the writers making things up on the fly.
Throwing out an idea then suddenly scrapping it is a bad sign...
You're not smoothtalking me into watching season 7 like you did with season 6 (unless there's some sort of man-eating feline involved). I draw the line. You owe me 24 hours of my life back.
Look, everybody-
Just lighen up and take off your pants. The Jack Sack is a pants-free blog until further notice.
oooooh no....that's how you convinced me to watch this show in the first place.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on you again.
Alright, Rickey is pantsless and it's not even "no-pants Thursday" in his office. Yep, just sitting here pantslessly waiting for the next installment of CTU:Denver...
Adam Besides the fact that this trunk is very confining, it is nearly impossible to remove my pants. However, in Jack Bauer fashhion, I did manage to cut them off with my pocket knife. If they decide to bring the cougar back, it may be grounds for leaving the trunk.
The cougar idea would be a lot cheaper. Of course they live in the Western United States, not Africa, so they can simply shoot the episodes in Utah or wherever...
Adam — did you lock glockspeak in the trunk again?
Oh, and WHERE IS CTU: Denver??? Ahem.
That is all.
**muffled sound from the trunk of camaro** Sh*t, knew it wasn't true....
ok can somebody explain to me why the hell "glockspeak" is always in the trunk of a car? In any event, it cracks me up (I'm assuming the last "anonymous" posting was "glockspeak"). One more thing - Adam, seriously, get your sh#! together and give us a 24 fix before I develop a heroin habit to cope....
Okay, it's up!
Sorry "24" you've once again lost my interest. Kiefer, you have not. But how many bad days can a man have? I mean in Africa? I'm sorry, "24" is just... over.
Another resource for you: http://www.ng2000.com/fw.php?tp=africa
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