In another feat of nauseating political correctness, TIME magazine has decided that this year's "Person of the Year" doesn't need to be a person at all! TIME has selected the demon-spawn from Satan himself- Russian Premier Vladimir Putin! This, the person who kills or locks up his political rivals is praised for his "extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability." Huh?
The turkey that wrote this piece of trash is managing editor Richard Stengel. What a joke.
Jesus, he does look like Dobby.
Yeah, how is Pootietang the man of the year? He's a cold blooded, corrupt ex KGB goon for christsakes....
Adam, I have to say I don't think even the politically correctest members of the politically correct brigade would agree with this. When I heard this last night, I was thinking something along the lines of:
"And I thought it was a lame cop-out last year when the person was 'You'! This makes that move seem like sheer genius. What, were they on acid when they made this decision?"
Or something like that.
I read that Chancellor Palpatine was a close runner-up, so we should be thankful?
I CANNOT BELIEVE how much that alien looks like Putin! Poor little guy!
Ah, but Chancellor Palpatine would have been a better choice. After all, were it not for him, we never would have had Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back (and Return of the Jedi, but ....) . And that would have been a greater crime than anything Putin's done. I mean, c'mon.
And rickey and sally jo - You are totally right. There is an utterly remarkable resemblance.
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