Wednesday, December 19, 2007

TIME magazine proves it is still irrelevant

In another feat of nauseating political correctness, TIME magazine has decided that this year's "Person of the Year" doesn't need to be a person at all! TIME has selected the demon-spawn from Satan himself- Russian Premier Vladimir Putin! This, the person who kills or locks up his political rivals is praised for his "extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability." Huh?

The turkey that wrote this piece of trash is managing editor Richard Stengel. What a joke.


Rickey said...

Jesus, he does look like Dobby.

Yeah, how is Pootietang the man of the year? He's a cold blooded, corrupt ex KGB goon for christsakes....

AmyV said...

Adam, I have to say I don't think even the politically correctest members of the politically correct brigade would agree with this. When I heard this last night, I was thinking something along the lines of:

"And I thought it was a lame cop-out last year when the person was 'You'! This makes that move seem like sheer genius. What, were they on acid when they made this decision?"

AmyV said...

Or something like that.

TheJackSack said...


I read that Chancellor Palpatine was a close runner-up, so we should be thankful?

Sally Jo said...

I CANNOT BELIEVE how much that alien looks like Putin! Poor little guy!

AmyV said...

Ah, but Chancellor Palpatine would have been a better choice. After all, were it not for him, we never would have had Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back (and Return of the Jedi, but ....) . And that would have been a greater crime than anything Putin's done. I mean, c'mon.

And rickey and sally jo - You are totally right. There is an utterly remarkable resemblance.

Unknown said...

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