See, I just hooked up my old SONY stereo after having it stored away for the past few years. This is a 15 year-old mini hi-fi system-- my high school and college stereo. The thing has a tape deck for crissake! But it was also a breakthrough sound system for its time, with 100 watts of power, 3-way shelf speakers and nifty options like DBFB (dynamic bass feed back) and artificial surround sound (which has tremendous depth). This little guy is the Muggsy Bogues of home stereos.
Well, after some searching for its (removable) power cord, I was able to set this thing up in no time. It now sits atop my file cabinet in the home office. I was able to find the right cables to hook up my iPod to it as well. No more listening to music on my computer. It's like I reconnected with an old friend.
What, no turntable? Heh. Pretty neat that you could hook an ipod up to it.
Can you send me instructions as to how to hook my ipod to my MHC-2600 stereo? Also, can I hook my TV sound to it? (The instructions aren't very clear on that.)
all you need is a cable like this one
put that straight into dat in on yr stereo and the other end in yr ipod also do the same with anythin else you would like to conect but use jack to jack cables i have this stereo hooked up to my ps3 with my 260 watt floor standing speakers and its brilliant but im without the cd part of the system so if anybody has one let me
The cd component(CDP-H3600)which forms part of my MHC-2600 Mini hi-fi sytem has just fallen over; its plays cd's as though they are scratched, all CD's that is...none are scratched of course. Any ideas how to repair it or where i can get a replacement even? The other components are working fine. I really don't want to ditch this little beauty. Thanks for any suggestions.
hi, if you ever have any interest in selling your little stereo, i'd be interested in purchasing it.
I'm having some trouble with my own 2600. I used mine in HS and college as well and it faired much worse than your own. And you're right - it was high-end stuff in 1991. This was one of the best mass-market mini systems on the market then.
Its successor ditched the textured "graphite" finish for a more traditional one, gained a 6-disc changer and a slight bump in wattage. The equalizer display is way cooler of the 2600 though..
Holy moly, I just finally moved into a new house and in the process found my MHC2600 in Bin #17 in my attic. Hooked it up and it's golden! Such a great sound system, and it plugs right into my house speaker system, too. Good thing all my music is on the iPhone now... the CD player doesn't work. It rejects everything. Any idea where a person can fix these things? Feeling nostalgic, indeed. I remember paying $495 for this back in 1991 which was my entire summer savings. Dang! I think I'm going to wear my college sweatshirt tomorrow. And maybe some stone-washed baggy peg-legged jeans.
Holy moly, I just finally moved into a new house and in the process found my MHC2600 in Bin #17 in my attic. Hooked it up and it's golden! Such a great sound system, and it plugs right into my house speaker system, too. Good thing all my music is on the iPhone now... the CD player doesn't work. It rejects everything. Any idea where a person can fix these things? Feeling nostalgic, indeed. I remember paying $495 for this back in 1991 which was my entire summer savings. Dang! I think I'm going to wear my college sweatshirt tomorrow. And maybe some stone-washed baggy peg-legged jeans.
yeah this stereo is a great little thing. I hook my phone up to the mic port via an audio cable which works really well for playing music off my phone. Unfortunately my tape deck is toast and the display for the CD player stopped working years ago and it doesn't always play properly, nonetheless its an amazing stereo system and still has amazing quality all these years later, the damn things older than me for christ sake!
I bought one of these at a garage sale. They had (I thought) all cables in a wrapped up plastic bag. To my surprise it was only the power cord...where can I buy extra cables to hook this up.
I am so disapointed
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