Tuesday, March 13, 2012

24: The Movie Poster Concept #3

Back in Sack, my friends!

This is Saul Bass-inspired without completely ripping off Saul Bass by cheating with his font. Sorry, I've been seeing a lot of hipster-minimalist movie poster stuff popping up online and I want to start smashing latté-filled skulls. Sorry, must be more Pony-like... (deep breath)... 

Thanks to Mike Ward on Twitter for his support of these posters.  Also, Cirroc has emerged from his Cave in Key West, where he spends his Winters, to share this update on the 24 Movie!


Mike Ward said...

Hey, that's me! Looks like we're going to have to live vicariously through posters for a long time since it's all of a sudden impossible to produce two hours worth of 24. Never mind that they used to do it x 12 every year for almost a decade.

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