Hey gang-
Wow, what a long day, right? Phew...
Anyway, let's cut to the chase- there will be no Retro-Review tonight as I was stuck in a torrential downpour in the great state of New Jersey tonight and (in addition to finding out my car was out of engine oil) things were tricky getting home. Luckily I got oil and the car is okay- and I got home in one piece. But a long night it was!
I'll probably have this week's review up late tomorrow night. As Jack would say "I give you my word."
I had your word, now I no what it's worth!
Oh, and CHARLAY!
Sorry, seemed fitting. Glad everything's all right.
You deserve a break. I'll take this time to tell you that my rooster, Jack Bauer is missing his gorgeous tail feathers and most of his butt. A predator grabbed him from behind, but he screamed his unique "Cock-A-Doodle DAMNIT" and got away to fight another day.
@Annie- Yowzers! I guess the predator was working for Marwan! Poor fella.
I'm glad you got home in one piece! I'll look forward to the review later.
He he he he he.
I'm sorry, but the "I give you my word" part is pretty good. We all know what happens when Jack Bauer says that. I think we should all be fearing for our personal safety right now.
P.S. - Annie, if you're serious, I LOVE it that you named your rooster Jack Bauer. That's just too great. :)
P.S.2 - Adam - take your time. ;) :) I mean, you should probably get that car checked out. You know, like, take it to a mechanic or something? And you know when you go to them for one problem, they always find another...you could be there all night...
;) :)
@Brittany and the gang- I am going to take my time with this next review- it's coming tomorrow!
I started watching the episode just before and found myself falling asleep at the "blogging wheel"-- no frame of mind to give you the kind of review you all deserve. I'll finish up my viewing tomorrow when I have absolutely nothing scheduled after work. Thanks for your patience- I promise I'll make your wait worth the while. :)
We understand, man. Do what you need to do.
:) x a million.
::bows head::
I have no self-control.
@Brittany- If you're really serious about quitting this addiction of your, I know what could help. For now on, every time you see Jack Bauer, imagine him making out with Tony. That always sickens people and makes them want to stop watching the show.
Oh, wait- yeah, you're doomed.
Well, there's always Nina and Teri.
Guys- relax!
It's all good here at TJS. New rule- no stressing out!
@Brittany- At least you just have an addiction to one show. I have an obsession with the entire female population, which basically means that the only movie I can watch is Reservoir Dogs.
Hee. Sorry, Adam (& anyone else). I'll try to follow that new rule. :)
(And Spencer - ouch. Bummer, man. :( )
Adam, I know you've probably said this before, but I don't see how Teri was ever right for Jack. I know that this is the pre-tortured, killing machine Jack, but even so.
Aundrey was a little more believable, but Renee crushes her.
I think the whole point of Teri is to make you understand why Jack got the hell out of there in the first place.
Teri is annoying so we can believe Jack would be crazy enough to rebound with Nina. But really, Nina is a babe, so there's no justification needed by way of crazy Teri.
I've seen people at the Port Authority bus terminal in NYC that appear more sane than that lady...
What is it, exactly, that people have against crazy people? I mean, crazy people can be quite nice.
Yeah, but crazy shrill people can just suck it.
Yes! Keep your crazy entertaining/interesting and you've got my unflagging support. Scream nonsensically and act like a meercat has bit you in a tender spot and you've earned my eternal disdain.
Exactly. That's why we all less than three Brittany, but will give a collective cheer at the end of this day. (SPOILERZ)
Wait...huh? So to clarify, I'm the acceptable kind of crazy (sometimes) and Teri Bauer is the meerkat kind? (Heh. Meerkat. Tender spot. Hehe.) Oh yeah - and thanks Spencer, for sticking up for the loonies. :)
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