Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Starship Enterprise from the new "Star Trek" Movie

Next year's "Star Trek" movie will be a "relaunch" of the 1960's original series, with new actors playing Kirk & Co. With updated actors, uniforms and props, we also get a souped up starship...



Rickey said...

Looks, uh, like a spaceship. From the future. Rickey wasn't too keen on the new batsuit and those movies turned out ok...

TheJackSack said...

Good point about the batsuit. I guess for a deranged dork like myself these things matter more, but the main concern is the script/acting. Let's judge the flick on its true merits.

Rickey said...

Exactly! As long as they include the James Kirk we all know and love (the Dorito snacking, ipod wearing, emo dressing one, naturally) everything will be just fine.

HC said...

The nacelle struts are clearly too thin.

What were they thinking?

TheJackSack said...


I don't know what Trek website you went to to get that comment, but kudos to you for doing what very few chicks would have the guts to do- I love you.

Rickey said...

Eh, having seen the trailer, Rickey wonders: did Trek ever really have this much action? And did it look like Dawson's Creek in space? Looks like an unnecessary reboot... Whats wrong with just using Shatner & Nimoy?

TheJackSack said...

The trailer didn't excite me either. It was all 'splosions and Abercrombie models. Hopefully there's something there storywise.

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